National PTA® Take Your Family to School Week is celebrated each February to pay tribute to PTA's legacy, encourage strong family engagement and highlight the importance of partnerships among parents, teachers and school administrators in supporting student achievement. This year Take Your Family to School Week is
will focus on the celebrating PTA's history, the importance of family engagement in schools and PTA volunteers.
Arizona PTA is rolling out grant opportunities to units in Good Standing (All Standards of affiliation documentation turned in, all officers have completed mandatory training, and membership dues have been paid). Grant cycle will be in December with specific dates TBA.
Criteria for consideration for the grant include:
- Hosting Take Your Family to School Week or another family engagement strategy
- Delivering family-centered education during TYFTSW (ex: health information, nutrition classes, bully prevention, hot-button family topics (drugs & alcohol, teen dating domestic violence, cyber-safety, student behavior), understanding the State Standards, preparing for high school or college, etc.) Proposed family-centered activities planned (30 points)
- Demonstrate the use of at least 2 of the National Standards for Family School Partnerships in the PTA's proposed program (20 points)
- Budget (15 points)
Download the Take Your Family to School Week Event Guides to help you decide which event is best for your school community. For more information, visit