Running Your PTA

Welcome to PTA® leadership! 

You are in a great position to help children succeed!

As a PTA leader, you focus your community on the needs of your members and their children. Your leadership will motivate volunteers and persuade local decision makers. You and your team will communicate with teachers and administrators, raise funds and awareness, provide much-needed programs for students and families, encourage reading and the arts, and much, much more. Because of you and your fellow PTA members, the children and schools of your community will be more successful.

If you are a new leader or a returning leader , we are here to support you in any way we can. If you need assistance please don't hesitate to contact any one of the Arizona PTA Board of Managers, we are here to assist you with a successful PTA year. As per our unified local unit PTA/PTSA bylaws, training for board members is now a requirement. Whether you attend convention, participate in summer leadership boot camps or use an approved alternate training, our leaders are effective, prepared, and eager to provide the best in advocacy, leadership, and support to their local school communities. 

Visit our Leader Resources section for forms, copies of bylaws and sample standing rules, convention workshop powerpoints and much more. Documents located here are password-protected as they contain copyrighted material exclusive to PTA.  Passwords were given to all local unit Presidents of Record. If you don’t have yours, contact your Region Director or the state office at 602-279-1811 or email us at 

© Arizona PTA 2016