Studies show students perform better when mothers and fathers are involved in the education of their children. School communities and PTAs also thrive because men and women think differently and bring different perspectives and skills to school and PTA activities.
Male Engagement Toolkit NEW!
Use this toolkit to build an active network of fathers involved in their child's education and your PTA. LEARN MORE
Programs & Initiatives
- The Black Star Project’s Million Father March asks fathers to take kids to school on the first day as the beginning of a year-long commitment to supporting children’s education.
- The National Compadres Network facilitates involvement of Hispanic and Latino fathers and men.
- Real Men Cook organizes urban Father’s Day events.
- The National Fatherhood Initiative offers organizational plans and materials for fatherhood programs, research-based insights and parenting tips for fathers and families.
- The National Partnership for Community Leadership (NPCL) hosts an annual fatherhood conference on fatherhood research and programs.