Southern Arizona


Units in Southern Arizona are managed by Jenny Edwards, Field Service Committee.

Hello Southern Arizona Units, my name is Jenny Edwards and I’m excited to serve as your new Field Service Rep. I have lived in the Tucson area for 13 years and am originally from Texas. My husband and I have 2 daughters, 7 &12, who keep us busy with their many activities, sports, and school functions.  

I joined the Sycamore Elementary PTA in 2011 when my oldest was in kindergarten and quickly found that I loved volunteering and helping our students and school community. I served on the Sycamore PTA Board as the VP of Member Communications for 1 year, 1st VP for 2 years, and President for 3 years. I also joined the Jaguar PTA of Corona Foothills Middle School last year and was happy to volunteer and learn from a new PTA. I enjoyed watching Sycamore PTA grow from 75 members to almost 300 members during my years on the Board and am excited to share my passion for PTA with all of you and help in any way that I can. I can’t wait to learn from and share with you all.

Please contact me at with any and all questions. I can’t wait for an exciting year! 

One of the best benefits of having a PTA is the free resources available to you and your members. Take advantage of the PTA benefits and contact me when you have questions or concerns!

Southern Arizona Region encompasses units in Pima, Santa Cruz and Cochise Counties. Don’t see your school here? Contact Jenny about starting a PTA/PTSA at your school! 

Southern Arizona

Acacia PTA 

Bisbee Unified PTA

Borton Primary Magnet PTA

Civano PTA

Collier (Tucson) PTA

Copper Ridge PTA

Cottonwood PTA

Davis PTA

Desert Sky Middle School PTA

Desert Willow PTA

Dunham PTA

Erickson PTA

Esmond Station PTSA

Ford PTA

Fruchthendler PTA

Gallego PTA

Gallego Intermediate PTA

Gridley Middle School PTA

Henry PTA

Hudlow PTA

Lynn-Urquides PTA

Marshall PTA

Mary Meredith PTSA 

Mesquite PTSA

Mexicayotl Padres Activos PTA

Miles Exploratory PTA

Ochoa PTSA

Ocotillo Ridge PTA

Old Vail Middle School PTSA

Oyama PTA

Rincon High PTA

Roskruge Magnet PTA

Sabino High PTSA

Sam Hughes PTA 

Secrist PTA

Senita Valley PTSA

Soleng Tom PTA

Sycamore PTA

The Jaguars PTA


Whitmore PTA

Wildkat Pride PTA

Winnie Wheeler PTA

© Arizona PTA 2016